TO safeguard employees, valuable assets and property against the risk of fire, a fixed fire protection tank is an extremely valuable investment for your premises.

Whilst no business owner likes to think about probable disasters that may arise, accidents do unfortunately occur with little to no warning. Having a contingency emergency plan will ensure that any risk of fires can quickly be mitigated.

Fire water tanks store and pump water directly into indoor sprinkler systems, providing suppression quickly and effectively. These tanks can be designed and constructed according to the diverse requirements of each client. Existing tanks can also be adjusted to work within a newly installed fire system.

In order to get full peace of mind from your fixed fire protection tank, it is essential to choose a provider that is registered and also able to install the tank on-site by trained and certified employees. SBS Water Systems offers these guidelines to help you get started:

• Fixed fire protection tank compliance

It is vital to use an approved, authorised, compliant supplier when purchasing a water tank for a fixed fire protection application. All fire protection systems in South Africa are subject to guidelines set forth by ASIB (Automatic Sprinkler Inspection Bureau). These rules are designed to ensure complete safety and efficiency. The rules are backed by over 40 years of research, along with intensive fire testing and fire investigation. They are accepted and approved by law enforcement agencies as well as insurers, which is essential in the protection of premises and assets.

• Integration of fire safety systems into other applications

SBS Water Systems is able to provide dual usage tanks that can combine sprinkler water and domestic water storage. Reference of such projects are available, upon request. ASIB listed sprinkler consultants will be able to assist with the design and implementation to ensure conformance to the rules and regulations. A general misconception is that plumbers are capable of performing such a task. This is unfortunately not the case and can potentially put your facility at risk.

• Consider your premises’ requirements

The size and dimensions of a tank will depend on the type of premises – commercial, residential or industrial. The availability of space is also a consideration and will affect the tank design as will the size of the premises that needs fire suppression. ASIB listed consultants are proficient in assisting with the design and installation for optimal efficiency and compliance.

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