LOCAL businesses expanding operations in new locations, franchise sites, pop-up stores, short term leases and other in-branch opportunities can now instantly connect to their broader corporate infrastructure and to the external Internet while maintaining compliance to corporate and other legal policies.

That’s according to T-Systems South Africa which claims this is now possible thanks to its “Network-in-a-Box” solution.

Network-in-a-Box connects businesses in a matter of hours, carrying through all of the organisation’s network and user identity policies, and enabling secure access to company systems.

“We’re dramatically simplifying and accelerating the process of setting up shop in a new location,” said T-Systems’ Portfolio Manager for Connectivity and Networks, Louis Kirstein.

“Everything is immediately available – from your active directory, to your security protocols, IP telephony systems, payment platforms, guest access policies, Cloud business services, and any other systems available on the corporate network.”

By removing configuration and setup hassles, Network-in-a-Box enables businesses to open their doors and begin trading far quicker than before, he add.

Previously, businesses would often have to wait for connectivity to be made available, and then painstakingly integrate network policies into the new site, delaying the opening of the new branch.

As successful South African businesses expand into new regions across different provinces, Kirstein said, internet access is often a challenge. Network-in-a-Box leverages whatever connection is available – from fixed-line options like fibre and DSL, to wireless services like 3G and LTE, private networks like MPLS, and even satellite.

“We’re able to use and to consolidate connectivity from any of these sources, to ensure sufficient throughput and ultimately the smooth delivery of business and transactional services.”

As new infrastructure becomes available, Network-in-a-Box easily accommodates the increased bandwidth.

With low upfront costs, and no ongoing longer-term commitment, many organisations may deploy Network in a Box for a limited period – as they get up and running – before replacing it with more permanent networking solutions later on.

Kirsten cited certain key sectors, such as retail, automotive and manufacturing that are becoming more dynamic in their approach to rolling out new points-of-presence as well as new points of production, especially for small crews. Locations are becoming less static and permanent.

Network-in-a-Box is aimed at serving this need for increased agility, he said.

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