CONSTRUCTION industry professionals eager to propel their skills and capacity forward in KZN’s ballooning R200 billion industry are invited to register for any of the fourteen CPD accredited workshops offered at the KZN Construction Expo.

This year marks the third running of the annual Expo, hosted at the Durban Exhibition Centre on 20 and 21 February. The series of free training workshops are expected to be a major drawcard, covering topics including rules of professional conduct for architects, avoiding disputes in the construction contract, national building regulations, pricing in the electrical industry, timber frame housing, an overview of quality precast concrete and more.

Selected workshops offer CPD accreditation by the South African Institute for Building Design (SAIBD).

“As part of our wider objective to positively impact the African construction industry, these free industry training and networking opportunities for contractors, engineers, architects and all other construction sector professionals will go far to feed the industry talent pool,” said Tracy-Lee Behr, Portfolio Director at dmg events, expo organiser.

The expo will also feature the Stakeholder Engagement Forum where private and public sector representatives can engage in a conversation on issues affecting the state of the local industry. Ross Stembridge from Master Builders KwaZulu-Natal, Clarence Kachipande from Marley Building Systems as well as senior representatives from the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Department of Human Settlements and the Department of Public Works are among the panelists that are participating in the forum.

The Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA), South Africa’s professional body for the engineered timber construction sector, has partnered with the expo to highlight timber construction information and expertise to the province.

According to ITC-SA General Manager Amanda Obbes, the institute has a strong national footprint and represents many members in KwaZulu-Natal, which is home to an historic legacy of timber construction.

“Our community of members in the province and its discerning consumers represent an integral part of the Institute’s mandate to create and maintain high standards in the engineered timber construction sector today.

“It is thus especially critical for the Institute to partner with innovative local events like the KZN Construction Expo, which not only provides a platform for exhibitors to showcase their offerings, but a dynamic setting for industry and consumers to learn, network and establish connections,” Obbes said.

For more information about the expo, visit

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