THE Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA), the professional body for the engineered timber construction sector, has warned the public to be on the look-out for “unscrupulous contractors” who have been using its trademark and logo without authorisation.

“Advertising a business as being a member of the Institute, creating the false perception of association with or endorsement by the ITC-SA is not only potentially damaging to the reputation of the ITC-SA, its stakeholders and the industry, but puts consumers, many of whom prefer to enlist the services of ITC-SA accredited contractors, at risk through knowingly deceiving them,” said ITC-SA General Manager Amanda Obbes.

Warning: unscrupulous contractors misusing timber construction body logo


She urged individuals or entities who are not members of the ITC-SA, but who claim to be, to stop using all infringing trademarks or any “confusingly similar” marks in relation to their business on invoices, webpages, websites and any advertisements which may deceive the general public.

She warned that failure to comply may result in legal proceedings.

“The role of the ITC-SA is to ensure consumer protection in the use of timber engineered products in contracts entered into with the ITC-SA membership and to regulate the professional conduct of its members for a better industry overall.

“As such, the general public and the trade are encouraged to check in with the ITC-SA timeously and before any project is initiated to verify the membership status of their chosen contractor before any formal work commences, as a preliminary safeguard and for peace of mind,” Obbes said.

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