End in sight for Makhanda water woes

HELP is on its way for Makhanda (formerly Grahamstown) which has been affected for many years by water shortages and no water at all in some areas, for days at a time.

To solve this crisis, Amatola Water was appointed by the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) as the implementing agent, with Bosch Projects as the consultant, to undertake the design and implementation for the augmentation of the James Kleynhans Bulk Water Supply project. Funding for the implementation of the project is through the department.

“The first phase of the four-Phase project, which falls within the confines of the existing James Kleynhans Water Treatment Works (WTW), was awarded for a value of R41,3 million. This phase consists of the construction of a 2.0 Ml concrete storage reservoir, four sludge ponds, a supernatant pump station and interconnecting pipework between new and existing infrastructure, as well as electrical upgrades,” said Rowan Bode, Project Manager: Port Elizabeth for Bosch Projects.

“An important component of the project is the requirement that 30% of the project value be awarded to emerging subcontractors. This has allowed emerging subcontractors to be employed and developed through the main contractor.

“On completion of the last phase, this project would have addressed the water requirements for the existing and future developments for Makhanda. This will relieve a significant burden for the community, in and around this busy university town,” Bode said.

Phase 1 of this contract, which commenced in September 2017, is due for completion this December.

The remaining three phases will address the augmentation of the WTW from 10 Ml/day to 20 Ml/day, refurbishment/upgrading of the existing James Kleynhans WTW and refurbishment/upgrading of the existing pumping main.

Bosch Projects is a member of the Bosch Holdings group of multidisciplinary consulting engineering companies.

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