SAPICS, the professional body for supply chain management, has appointed Kamogelo Mampane to the board of directors.

Mampane is the founder and chief executive officer of TK Global Experts. He serves as advisory board chairperson on the State Owned Enterprises Procurement Forum (SOEPF), and is also the chairperson of the Tshwane University Supply Chain and Logistics Advisory Board.

New director for supply chain body
Kamogelo Mampane

IFM Electronic

He is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply in the United Kingdom (CIPS). CIPS fellowship (or FCIPS) is the institute’s highest grade of membership and is awarded by the CIPS Fellowship Board in the UK to professionals that demonstrate high ethical standards and who continuously support and contribute positively to the advancement of the procurement profession.

“We are delighted to welcome Kamogelo to the board of SAPICS,” said organisation president Mungo Park. “His vast experience and expertise in the public sector and procurement in particular will be hugely beneficial to The Professional Body for Supply Chain Management, bringing true end-to-end supply chain representation to the board of directors.”

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