HYTEC Services Africa (HSA) has launched its mine site-based containerised hose workshops to provide a comprehensive onsite hose and fittings service to its mining customers across Africa.

Set up in refurbished and branded shipping containers varying in size from 20 to 40 feet, the workshops not only provide hose and fittings services, but also enable Hytec to supply its entire range of hydraulic services on a mine site – effectively functioning as an onsite mobile branch.

In order to provide an onsite end-to-end hydraulic offering, the workshop services include Hytec’s hydraulic cylinder service exchange programme, as well as supplying new or providing services for pumps, filtration systems, drives, valves, piston motors and hydraulic maintenance tools. As a value-added benefit, Hytec is able to control and stock other hydraulic components on request.

All workshops come standard with double side doors, 220 and 380 volt plugs with the plug design matching the destination country requirements; all electrics; strip lighting; air conditioner; extractor fans; and shelving to accommodate approximately 800 small stock bins and start-up hose stock. Start-up workshops are manufactured and readily available fully fitted in Johannesburg to ensure speedy mobilisation and delivery times.

Containerised mine site hydraulic workshop

IFM Electronic

“The workshop configuration depends on the mine’s requirements,” said Charlie Harrison, Africa Mining Services and Operations Manager, HSA. “Mines that require services beyond hydraulic hose and fittings may need additional containers to accommodate filter, pump or cylinder stock. It may also be appropriate to add an office using a 20 foot container. Each container, and the configuration in setting up two or more containers, are custom-designed to each mine’s requirements.”

He said that if a container workshop is based in a country without an established Hytec branch infrastructure, the container itself becomes the Hytec country base. “We ensure that the workshop configuration is sufficiently flexible to accommodate all hydraulic components and services to the mines requirements.

“If, for instance, the mine is in a remote and inaccessible area like many in East, West and North Africa, the containers and their configuration need to allow for supplementary stockholdings due to extended and difficult supply routes.”

Start-up hose fittings and adaptors as well as start-up hose stock; crimping and cut-off machines; manual engraver; work bench with vice and stool; hose rack; hose cleaning projectile kit and projectile stock; electric hand grinder and a 2.0 x 6.0 m bolt-on side canopy form the bulk of the container’s standard contents.

“The bolt-on canopy is used to accommodate the hose cut-off machine, which is normally situated outside the container in order to adhere to most mines’ health and safety regulations,” said Petrus Viljoen, Africa Development Manager, HSA.

Additional standard contents include a tool cabinet and workshop tools, storage bins and shelving, measuring instruments, display board and white board with markers. Office furniture with amenities like a bar fridge are included, as is all signage and a standard fire extinguisher.

Due to the simplistic nature of relocating the ‘onsite mobile branch’, Harrison and Viljoen share the view that, in some instances, a contract may not be necessary. “We will provide the mine with any of their requirements within this specific service offering. When our services are no longer needed, it would be the same as when a contract had drawn to conclusion. Essentially, it is a win-win for both parties,” Viljoen said.

Hytec has already submitted a containerised workshop tender to a mining house in the DRC, with tenders for the same underway with mining houses in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Ghana.

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