Opportunity knocks for six lucky Durban businesses
Celtico owners, Alex Roberts and Julienne Prozesky with Darryn Le Grange (ActionCOACH Ignite) look forward to upskilling six local businesses through their enterprise development training programme

CELTICO, a local clothing design house that supplies national retail chains, has committed to provide free business development training for a three-year period to six qualifying businesses.

“We are passionate about growing local businesses as we believe they play an imperative role in job creation and economic growth for our province,” said owners Julienne Prozesky and Alex Roberts.

To qualify, applicants should preferably be Durban based and will need to have been in business for at least two years, have minimum 51% black ownership, a turnover of between R2 million and R10 million per annum and be committed to the three-year development training programme.


The programme will be run by award-winning business coach Darryn Le Grange, owner of ActionCOACH Ignite, and will comprise of two half-day training sessions per month for the first year, followed by monthly support sessions thereafter.

The programme, which is scheduled to start in October 2018, will teach the successful applicants the key disciplines required to run a successful business, including goal setting and vision, time management, financial mastery, marketing strategies, sales, customer service, building a winning team and systemising a business.

Interested businesses should submit a one-page motivation including a brief background on their business to: enterprise@celtico.co.za. The deadline is on or before close of business on Friday, 14 September and shortlisted candidates will be notified by 24th September. Thereafter a round of interviews will be held and the final, six successful businesses will be announced during the first week of October.

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