AS the voice of Nelson Mandela Bay Business, we recognise the need to create an enabling environment for our current investors, while attracting new investors. Whilst lobbying still constitutes a large part of what the Business Chamber does, we have introduced an Action Arm, by way of task teams. These are made up of our members who volunteer their time to advance the work of the Business Chamber – and by extension – the city.

The Business Chamber has the following task teams: Strategic Resources; Transport and Logistics, Roads and Stormwater, SME, Trade and Investment and Metro Collaboration

The Strategic Resources Task Team (SRTT) focusses on water and electricity/energy issues affecting business in the Metro. The Task Team has worked tirelessly to ensure the following goals are achieved on the Water issues:

  • Secure and sustainable supply of water for businesses in the Metro
  • Re-use of water by businesses
  • Water waste reduction by business and high water users
  • Consistent water quality
  • Sewerage system management

The five dams in the Algoa System (Churchill, Impofu, Kouga, Loerie and Groendal) now stand at a combined 50.3% capacity as reported widely in the media on 19t September.

However, South Africa is generally a water scarce country. In view of this, the SRTT has focussed its intervention on the contribution that the business sector can make, through responsible water usage, product innovation, and a clear and comprehensive understanding of water scarcity risk and ways in which to mitigate risk and be part of the solution.

In a presentation to the Strategic Resources Task Team of the Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamber in June, a representative from Rhino Water cautioned that water availability was not increasing. Adding to this concern, a big increase in demand for water is expected from the industrial sector.

There are many ways that businesses – both in the commercial sector and the industrial sector – can reduce water consumption. There is much more that can be done with technologies available to factories. Rainwater harvesting, recovering (up to 95% of water from effluent) and reusing it in the factory is what helps reduce water consumption. More than one solution is best!

It is encouraging that in the Nelson Mandela Bay region there are a number of companies that have already started using innovative ways to save water. One such example is Volkswagen South Africa. They have reduced water consumption per vehicle produced by over 60% as measured from 2010 to 2018.

Once a company has implemented innovative solutions, significant savings in water consumption could result. Lower water consumption means reduced water and sewage bills.

The Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamber continues to encourage businesses and communities to change their attitude towards the use of water as a finite resource. A concerted effort in educating and creating awareness of the scarcity of water needs to be embarked upon.

As the Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamber, we commend the members who have taken heed of the various water saving initiatives that the Strategic Resources Task Team has championed.

Our main focus is to ensure that the city continues to have sustainable water resources into the next number of decades.

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