SAND slurry can be one of the most challenging pumping applications as the material being transferred is thick, abrasive and contains coarse particles that often form an unstable mixture.
That’s according to Colin Adams, Managing Director of Integrated Pump Technology, who added that sand slurries also often contain corrosive elements and sharp particles including stones which could result in excessively high wear with a dramatic reduction in pump life.
“Pumping sand slurry can be tough on pumps and it is critical that the correct pump be selected for this demanding application,” Adams said. “Attention needs to be paid to the flow requirements and power calculations when determining which pump is most suited to an individual application. Most importantly, these sorts of pumping tasks require more power to operate than that required by a clean water pump.”
He added that the company had reported continued success with its Grindex Bravo pumps replacing vertical spindle pumps in these applications.
“Apart from the obvious advantage that a submersible pump offers over a vertical spindle pump such as its ease of installation, the innovative design of the Grindex Bravo range ensures minimal contact with the actual sand slurry being pumped.”

Adams said these pumps had been engineered to deal specifically with complex slurries and have an integrated agitator system that allows the slurry to be placed into suspension for easier pumping.
“The majority of pumps do not have this feature and agitation therefore needs to come from an outside source increasing the cost of the installation as well as the maintenance required in that application.”
Commenting on potential increased wear in these applications, Adams said that the hydraulic components are made from N-Hard 4, one of the hardest materials available today. This ensures optimum wear life.
“The Grindex Bravo pumps are engineered to operate over the complete pump curve, not just on specific duty and can handle from 30 litres per second up to 130 litres per second at a maximum head of 45 metres. The slim compact design facilitates quick and easy installation, while low noise level operation is another advantage.”
Lower operating costs are also possible. “These high efficiency pumps are known for reduced electrical consumption and as well as lower maintenance costs. An integrated pump starter protects the unit from dry run conditions and also allows optimum control of the pumping operation.”
In addition, the unique Grindex “SMART” motor protection feature prevents pumps from single phasing, overheating and backward rotation.
The pumps incorporate an innovative hydraulics section with a closed impeller that reduces the performance drop sometimes caused by long term wear. The impeller is easily adjusted and this ensures stable dewatering during the whole life of the pump.