EASTERN Cape Premier Phumulo Masualle and the Governor of Zhejiang Province in China, Che Jun, visited the Coega Development Corporation (CDC) recently for a presentation on what the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) has to offer its foreign investors.

This was followed by visits to the Port of Ngqura and the Chinese-owned First Automotive Works (FAW) & Beijing Automotive International Corporation (BAIC) plants located at the Coega SEZ.

The Premier commended CDC management for the work that they have done over the years in securing exposure and opportunities for the SEZ and expressed confidence that more opportunities would arise following the visit.

“Surely of the abundant opportunities we are talking to here today, there will be some that will find expression in the investments that even this Special Economic Zone shall be able to host as part of building our relationships between the two provinces [Eastern Cape and Zhejiang province]” said Masualle.

His Chinese counterpart commended Coega SEZ for its strategic geographical location and infrastructure as well as for the professionalism of its presentation

“I have been staying in African countries for a few years now and what strikes me the most when I came to Coega is that you have done the presentation in Chinese. This shows international vision,” said Che Jun.

“Coega has already become a major platform for the opening up of SAto attract new foreign investment and I`m optimistic about the future of this SEZ,” he added.

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