By Nomkhita Mona

SOME 20 years ago, someone said to me that the next world war would be fought over water. I immediately dismissed the idea as far-fetched and melodramatic. Fast-forward to today, when the idea doesn’t seem so absurd.

Recent events in other cities, notably Cape Town, were a stark reminder of this prophecy. As South Africa is a water-scarce country, it is imperative that strategies to conserve, recycle and re-use water are developed. Water is a critical resource. This relates to life in general, but also business life. For business sustainability into the future, the city needs to have security of supply.

The Business Chamber has taken the long-term view when it comes to interventions it makes. It has identified a number of key areas that any city would need for long-term sustainability. It has also decided to create platforms for discourse on matters of regional importance.

In this regard, the Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamber will be hosting its first-ever conference. The one-day event, called “BayH20 Conference and Exhibition” will be held on 24 July 2018 at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium in Port Elizabeth.

The philosophy of the Conference is based on three critical elements, viz:

  • Education
  • Infrastructural repairs
  • Innovative solutions and products
  • Education

It is apparent that a certain level of education with regard to water usage is necessary. This cuts across all sectors of society: be it business or communities at large. A key focus is also on school children – as we believe the culture of water conservation should be inculcated at an early age. The objective is to create a society with a high level of consciousness about sustainable practices.

Infrastructure Repairs and Maintenance

The Metro has gone on record that there is a high percentage of water which cannot be accounted for. Some of the water is lost through leaks – due to aging infrastructure and inadequate maintenan ce. We are aware that the Metro has a number of initiatives in place to deal with this matter. However, we are of the view that more can be done.

Innovative solutions and products

The Business Chamber is on the lookout for innovative solutions and products that could assist the city and the business sector at large. We need to look at solutions that could reduce the water usage of industries in the area. Within this element, we are looking at innovative products and solutions.

The big question we need to ask is: “How long would this city survive with the current and projected water levels into the future?” The next questions would be: “What interventions would need to be made to obviate any risk of water scarcity?” “Are we likely to need desalination plants?” “Would the city consider sinking more boreholes?” “If so, to what extent?”

We are cognizant of the impact all this would have on the environment – hence our focus is on sustainable solutions. This will be an exciting platform – which will ultimately inform the planning for the Nelson Mandela Metro going forward.

This intervention will focus on the contribution that all stakeholders can make, through responsible water usage, product innovation and a clear and comprehensive understanding of water scarcity risk and mitigation strategies. Our goal is to be part of the solution. All information is on our website – – and our other communication platforms

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